
DynamORM is designed to work with Python2.7, Python3.5, Python3.6, and Python3.7 as well as with both Marshmallow and Schematics for serialization. When you open a Pull Request on GitHub tests will be against a full matrix of these options to guarantee compatibility.

Locally we use tox to provide a similar test matrix. By default when you run tox the tests will run against python2 and python3 for both Marshmallow and Schematics.

The tests will pull down the latest copy of DynamoDB Local from S3 and place it in build/dynamo-local. A copy will be started on a random high port, running with -inMemory, at the start of the test run and shutdown after the run.

Testing with tox

tox can be installed with pip, or with your local package manager (i.e. on OSX brew install tox).

Once installed simply run tox:


This will create virtualenvs for the full matrix of python2 and python3 with both schematics and marshmallow.

Formatting with black

DynamORM uses black for formatting so that we don’t spend time worrying about formatting.

When you run tox it will check all files before running tests, and will fail if any of them are not formatted to black’s standards.

To re-format those files you can run:

tox -e black -- .